My Favorite Piece of Technology


Hello dear people!
My favorite piece of technology is the cell phone. It is my favorite because I can do so many things with it.I can use it to communicate with my family, friends, boyfriend and even my dogs hahaha. I also use it as a camera, I like to take pictures of the places I go or the things I like to do and the cell phone lets me do that.  I usually spend a lot of time with my phone because I find it a tool that helps me to connect with people who are far away from me, but I also watch a lot of videos on tiktok and that sometimes makes it difficult for me to study. I find that everyone should decide whether to use the phone, but I would recommend that you try to moderate its use, because you miss out on what is happening around you.



  1. hello koral! i think that the problem of the cell phone is the same that your think, the excessive use that we have :( but is really complicate to reduce its use because it has various functions of diary use lol but good choice haha bye

  2. hii!
    Also i like take picture of the place,it's a beautiful experience! :)


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