
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Choice of Two Topics

  🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” Topic A: Hello everyone Today I'll tell you what my favorite food is! I really love it! to the point of having food poisoning! hahaha My favorite food is beans with pomegranates and mazamorra. This meal consists of beans with ground corn, it is one of the most delicious meals that can exist! To make this meal you only need to peel the beans, have basil and corn, and also the desire to eat something delicious hahaha. I really like this meal because it reminds me of when I was little and also because I am a fan of beans and corn.  Well...this food affects my health in a way that I didn't expect. I never had any illness related to beans but some weeks ago I got intoxicated by eating so many hahaha, I was eating 6 days in a row beans (I really love them), this caused an intoxication and a lot of discomfort, I spent a week eating only soups :c (I don't like soups) but I think I learned my lesson

My Favorite Piece of Technology

🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” Hello dear people! My favorite piece of technology is the cell phone. It is my favorite because I can do so many things with it.I can use it to communicate with my family, friends, boyfriend and even my dogs hahaha. I also use it as a camera, I like to take pictures of the places I go or the things I like to do and the cell phone lets me do that.  I usually spend a lot of time with my phone because I find it a tool that helps me to connect with people who are far away from me, but I also watch a lot of videos on tiktok and that sometimes makes it difficult for me to study. I find that everyone should decide whether to use the phone, but I would recommend that you try to moderate its use, because you miss out on what is happening around you. 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ” 🌎⛺ πŸ”